
Fun fact: I studied Journalism in college and wrote for newspapers and magazines. I still write from time to time.



Fun fact: I studied Journalism in college and wrote for newspapers and magazines. I still write from time to time.


Applying UX thinking to your home

All day, I think about user experience. I create wireframes and worry over making every interaction on the site I’m designing intuitive. I often scoff at disorganized interfaces that don’t put information or controls where the user needs them. In my personal life, however, I seem to do things in the most unintuitive way possible.

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Don’t overdo your social app onboarding

Apps centered around social sharing and user-generated content rely on users getting excited to consume, share and create in the world of the app. That’s a pretty big ask, and a good onboarding process is the first step to enticing and empowering users to make your app a part of their social lives. Onboarding is pretty tricky business, though. How much is too much? Too little?

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Want vs. Need: Interpreting User Requests

Designers put the user at the center of everything we do. We interview them about problems they need to solve, try to step into their shoes when making design decisions, and test our assumptions when we put a product in their hands. In the constant feedback loop of concept > prototype > testing, it’s easy to start taking user requests at face value and design solutions “straight from the horse’s mouth”.

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Finding your fierce

When I was very young, I talked. I talked ALL the time. My mom tells stories about how she needed to ask me to be quiet for a second so she could think of what to do next, or how she would have to pull me away from strangers I’d roped into conversation. I had so many questions, opinions, and facts to share with anyone I met.

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10 Inspiring Examples of Complex UI

Clean. Simple. Delightful. These are words designers like to use to describe the work they aspire to do. Unfortunately, these are not usually words you would use to describe a billing transaction spreadsheet. Or a complicated product spec comparison table. Or an analytics dashboard. So what do you do when it’s your job to design these kind of complex systems?

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